Test Tube Baby

Test Tube Baby

Female Infertility

Female infertility can be defined as an inability to conceive after trying for one year or is six months for the woman who is 35 or older. Pregnancy loss or frequent miscarriages in women is also referred to as infertility. In such conditions, it is advised to meet your doctor to undergo infertility evaluation. However, if you have a history of irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic inflammations, or endometriosis, you should consider getting evaluated much earlier.

Male Infertility

If you are facing male infertility you are not alone. One in every eight couples face problems in getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Approximately one-third of infertility is attributed to the male partner. Treatment of male infertility mainly depends on the possible causes. Many issues can be treated with medication and surgery. This helps in reversing the cause of infertility and achieving conception naturally.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a one Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus.


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment that involves placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.


Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure in which a single sperm cell is injected directly into the cytoplasm of an egg. Some couples choose to try ICSI after repeat in vitro fertilization has been unsuccessful.

Egg Donation

It is a process in which a fertile woman donates an egg to another woman to help her conceive. It frequently benefits women who cannot use their own eggs for various reasons, including ovarian failure, avoiding congenital anomalies in the fetus, or advanced age.

Embryo Adoption

Embryo donation is a process utilized when a couple who cannot conceive through IVF technology using their own egg and sperm. … In cases such as these, the couple can choose to adopt an embryo formed from a donor egg which is fertilized using unrelated donor sperm.


Surrogacy is the treatment of fertility in which a woman carries and delivers a baby for another couple.
Egg from the intended mother is removed and is fertilized with the sperm of the intended father. This embryo or the fertilized egg is then transferred to a surrogate.

Test Tube Baby – FAQs

How IVF Process Works?

IVF process can be understood with the help of certain steps which are explained below.
• Ovarian stimulation: The fertility specialist monitors the timing of egg release. Doctor will make sure the hormonal level and other conditions for IVF are normal or not. The doctor watch over produced eggs are appropriate or not.
• Egg retrieval: In this step, eggs are taken out from female’s ovary by using needle under light sedation. Further, eggs are placed in a dish containing nutrient media and further it is shifted to the incubator.
• Fertilisation: This is the next step called fertilisation where male sperm are taken and mixed with the most active sperm in a special chamber. Then, eggs and sperm are placed in incubator and the process is monitored so that healthy embryo can develop.
• Embryo transfer: It is the last step in which the healthiest embryo is transferred. Initially, the doctor examines so that healthy embryo can be selected. With the help of small plastic tubes, the embryo is transferred.

How much time IVF takes?

IVF involves two visits:
(1) One day for checkup / pre-IVF preparation
(2) 15 days for IVF procedure

What is the cost of IVF Program?

As compare to international IVF hospitals the cost of IVF is lower in India. It purely depends on the medical condition of patients which varies the cost factor. For further information consult our experts.

What is IUI Process?

IUI stands for intrauterine insemination, is one of the common techniques of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). It allows putting sperm directly to the female’s uterus. In this process, the processed (washed) sperm are used. However, usage of this technique will result in escalating the possibilities of conception.

Is IVF process painful?

No, IVF is not at all painful because the injections used for IVF are purified and injected in subcutaneous form. The egg collection process is done under light sedation which is totally painless. At the time of embryo transfer, anaesthesia is not given but it is a 2 to 5 minutes of process which hardly cause any pain.

What treatment is available for low sperm count?

Low sperm count can also be known as oligospermia. One may undergo to ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) where a single sperm is injected to matured egg. Adapting this treatment will leads to elevate the chances of conceiving. Besides this, the treatment is useful especially in case of male infertility, low sperm motility and poor sperm morphology.

What are the steps involved in IVF process?

IVF process is a series of procedures. The IVF process steps includes
1. Initial Consultation
In your step by step IVF process, your first step should be meeting up with an IVF specialist. Once all the information has been discussed, the specialist will recommend the best way to proceed.
2. Testing and Ovary Stimulation
The stimulation process will start on the first day of your cycle. Unlike normal, you will be given medications for 8-14 days to encourage the follicles in your ovaries to produce more eggs.
3. Egg retrieval
This procedure takes about 20-30 minutes while you are asleep. Your specialist will use the latest ultrasound technology to guide a needle into each ovary. The average number of eggs collected is 8-15.
4. Sperm Retrieval
Sperm retrieval is done on the same day as that of egg retrieval if you are a couple planning to use fresh sperm in an IVF treatment procedure. In case of frozen or donor eggs, the specialists will keep them ready in the lab.
5. Fertilization
The scientists will now use powerful microscopes to find the eggs from the fluid so they can be taken out of it. Then both eggs and sperm are fertilized in a dish in vitro.
6. Embryo Development
Fertilization of the egg and the sperm results into a zygote which further develops into an embryo. Then the embryo is placed in a special incubator.
7. Embryo Transfer
Here, the scientist prepares the embryo by placing it in a catheter (small tube). Then, he will place the catheter through the cervix into your uterus.
8. Final Pregnancy Test
Two weeks post your embryo transfer; your specialist will conduct a blood test to measure your hCG hormone level. When hCG is detected in your bloodstream, it is a positive sign of pregnancy.
This is the complete step by step IVF process.

How much rest is required after the procedure?

It is one of the most common queries among the couples undergoing IVF treatment. When our patient poses in front of us with these worries, we advise them to think about human body in a scientific way. Even though, embryo is formed artificially in an IVF pregnancy, there is no difference from what happens in the natural cycle. The uterus accepts the embryo in the same way it accepts the naturally fertilised eggs.
It is important to understand that nature has a foolproof plan in everything including the reproductive system where the embryo attaches to the uterine lining very firmly regardless of whether it attaches naturally or artificially. The movements or walk around or even gravity, does not cause the embryo to detach and fall off.
Also, it is a total myth that bed rest after embryo transfer increases success rate of IVF. In fact, research has shown that patients who do complete bed rest after embryo transfer have less success in IVF as compared to patients who continue to do their routine activities. Main reason behind this is that patients who keep themselves engaged in some activities have less stress levels which help in increasing their IVF success. Therefore, the advice of bed rest after IVF procedure is over exaggerated or unrealistic.

When should I opt for IVF?

The IVF procedure can be prescribed in cases where the other fertility treatments have failed, or if the chances of a successful pregnancy are higher with this method than with any other treatment.
If there are no contraindications, the procedure can be carried out simply at the request of the couple by considering that precise time as the right time for IVF.
In which cases, IVF is performed? Tubal-peritoneal factor
Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes leads to the fact that the egg cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity. In this case, you can either try to restore patency using a surgical laparoscopic operation or perform IVF and implant an already developing embryo into the uterine cavity.
Male factor
This diagnosis is made when the quality of sperm is not high enough. If the number of healthy active sperm is too low to conceive a healthy child, it is better to resort to ART. 
Mild forms of endometriosis usually respond to surgery and hormonal treatment. If, after the therapy, pregnancy does not occur, then the doctor sends the couple for IVF procedure.
Age-related infertility
Age plays a vital role when we talk about deciding the right time for IVF. With this factor of infertility, it is desirable to supplement the standard IVF procedure with ICSI and assisted hatching methods.
Anovulation is usually treated with simpler methods, such as hormonal stimulation combined with IUI . But if it’s unsuccessful, you can always use the IVF method.
Unexplained infertility
If it is not possible to establish an accurate diagnosis, and the therapy is unsuccessful, the doctor may advise the couple to resort to the IVF procedure.

Contact Info

Address: Gaushala Road, Police Line, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh
Phone: +91-91796-18171, +91-9630001100
Email: drrlhospital@gmail.com

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